Fire3 allows create lot various kinds of fires, flames and some like. Our module has many adjustable parameters which make his very flexible and powerful. Parameters where arranged in several groups and each responses for some special behavior of flame.
You can adjust geometry of flame, his size, density, direction and so on. Also you can adjust flame behavior i.e. turbulence, chaos, various distortions and so on. You can select color scheme for flame and set parameters for this scheme and receive flame with color what you want. And there are many other parameters.
You can receive very big fire at big objects or opposite very small file tongues for decorate small subscribes, very furious fire or claim fire of candle. Even you can create some kinds of frost and ice effects if you special adjust fire parameters, color and direction.
For our module Fire3 there is big set of preset parameters. You can choose one from this set and use it as base for adjusting it as you want.