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AlphapPlugins. The professional plug-ins filters for Adobe compatibles graphical editors such as Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, CorelDraw, Painter, Affinity and etc.
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Adobe Photoshop plug-ins
Adobe Photoshop FiltersPhotoshop Plug-ins

Press releases
Photoshop CS plug-insPremiere CS plug-ins

Adobe Photoshop FiltersPhotoshop Plug-ins
Engraver plug-in  EngraverIII

Digitalizer plug-in  DigitalizerII

FireFor plug-in  Fire4

TurbulenceDistortion plug-in  TurbulenceDist

DigitalChaos plug-in  DigitalChaos

RichText plug-in  RichText

Ice Pattern plug-in  IcePattern

Alpha PhotoFX plug-in  AlphaPhotoFX

Fir Tree plug-in  FirTree

AlphaPlugins HDR Enhanced video plug-in  HDR Enhanced

AlphaSXPlayer  alphaSXplayer

Photoshop CS plug-insPremiere CS plug-ins
Adobe Photoshop FiltersPhotoshop Plug-ins
Freshest versions and latest products.

Photoshop CS FiltersAfter Effects CS3 plug
Filters and plug-ins hot news. Freshest versiona and latest products
*The fire effect is created with help of AlphaPlugins Fire plug-in
Photoshop CS4 FiltersAfter Effects CS3 Filters

2024.09.15 - the first our company OpenFX plugin for Resolve DaVinci video editor:

AlphaPlugins HDR Enhanced for Resolve DaVinci

Now the AlphaPlugins HDR Enhance plugin can work with Resolve DaVinci and with other compatible hosts sopport OpenFX plugins format. In addition to earlier supported Adobe After Effects and Adobe PremierePro See details...

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2024.09.15 - After a long break we are returned to producing video effects. And we are glad to present a new groundbreaking video plugin for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro:

AlphaPlugins HDR Enhanced

AlphaPlugins HDR Enhanced plugin for After Effects and Premiere Pro
This plugin transforms your videos into stunning, professional-quality masterpieces. This innovative tool infuses your footage with rich colors and intricate details, ensuring a vibrant and dynamic visual experience. The plugin supports all available types of hardware accelerations (CUDA, OpenGL, Metal) and works in realtime and with incredible quality. See details...

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2023.04.05 - All our Photoshop's plug-ins were adopted to work with Serif Affinity Photo 2 editor. Now you can choose Affinity plug-ins folder as a destination folder during installation.

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2022.06.28 - The AlphaPlugins Engraver iOS app was added to the top list of the world best photo sketch apps by the freeappsforme site.

See details...

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2021.07.14 - The AlphaPlugins LaunchBox utility lets to launch IntelMac plug-ins into native M1 Photoshop.

AlphaPlugins LaunchBox lets launch IntelMAc plug-ins in Photoshop M1

The pair AlphaPlugins LaunchBox utility + AlphaPlugins Intel Bridge plugin lets to support, enumerate and launch existed 3d party IntelMac plug-ins under a native M1 Photoshop. Now to launch an old IntelMac plug-in you should not relaunch the Photoshop in Rosetta mode. You can just use our solution to work with existed IntelMac plug-ins and enjoy of advantages of M1 performance of modern versions of Photoshop. See details...

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2021.07.12 - now our plugins supports Adobe Photoshop 2022 on native Apple Silicon M1 machines.

AppleSilicon M1

Adobe released new Photoshop 2022 that works on Apple Silicon M1 processor. New version of the Photoshop doesnt support more all previous versions of plug-ins for IntelMac processor. So, we had to rewrite all our plug-ins for these can be launched on new M1 processor without Rosetta emulation. This job is done. Our Photoshop's plug-ins now are universal for M1 and IntelMac processors and these work seamlessly with latest version of Adobe Photoshop. All old users of our plug-ins can download and install new updated versions absolutelly free of charge.

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2021.06.12 - The Oscar award for special effects in a movie with using our plug-ins!

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

When I saw the movie "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" (Sony Pict. Animated) I admired a quality of visual effects and special noticed how perfectly i.e halftone effects look. Ironically, I didn’t suspect what I see on the results of my software usage. Some time ago, I met an interview of AlmaMater studio that created video effects for this movie and these guys mentioned what they use MisterRetro software (which I am the author of) for produce effects in printed-comics style.

This movie received the Oscar award as the Best Animated Feature. So, if the movie used my tool for create special effects won the Oscar for video effects, then I can say what indirectly my software may be named as the best in the world for create professional and highest quality special effects.

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2020.04.30 - AlphaPlugins HDRPortrait new increadible iOS app with artificial intelligence

AlphaPlugins HDRPortrait iOS App
A screenshot of HRDPortrait app on iPhone 11

AlphaPlugins HDRPortrait iOS App turns your Apple device into an incredible art portrait machine. This wonderful app uses artificial intelligence and neural networks to detect faces on photos and separate them from the background. Detected faces are processed with expressive HDR effects. Simultaneously, astonishing artistic effects are applied on the background behind the portraits. Lots of impressive focal background effects, such as different kind of blurs, bokeh with various shapes and others, are available. See more details...

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2020.03.20 - AlphaPlugins HDR Video App lets to record life video with HDR effects

AlphaPlugins HDR Video iOS App

AlphaPlugins HDR Video iOS App lets in real time to apply a pseudo HDR effect on life video. You can look at the around world through HDR view and record amazing expressively video with incredible effects. You can adjust different parameters of effects. Particularly you can dramatically increase image details. Or opposite, decrease details and to have a swell noise reduction on your video. See more details...

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2020.02.10 - Now the AlphaBlur App supports modern hardware dual cameras features.

AlphaBlur iOS App

The new version of AlphaBlur App supports modern hardware features like Dual Cameras and TrueDepth sensor for achieving the best results in splitting background and foregraund objects with follow applying high-end special effects on the splitted background like focus, blurs, bokeh, stars and etc. On old devices the app can work fine and without modern hardware features. See more details...

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2020.01.15 - New iOS App allows to encrease or decrease image details.

AlphaPlugins Enhanced iOS App

The AlphaPlugins Enhanced is a new iOS app that uses Laplacian pyramids to increase or decrease image details with very high quality and without any artifacts, halos or other undesirable effects. It can enforce image details and produce a pseudo HDR effect on usual source photos or opposite – loose details and reduce noise but keep all main image contours. See more details...

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2019.12.26 - New free Photoshop's plug-in that used a Laplacian pyramid math to increasing image details.

AlphaPlugins Laplacian Enhanced

AlphaPlugins Laplacian Enhanced - the new qualitative, intuitively and very prompt free Photoshop plug-in uses Laplacian math to dramatically increase image details. The image details can be increased or decreased in real time with highest quality and without artifacts, halos and other undesirable effects. The filter lets imitate a pseudo HDR effect and improve quality of any ordinal photos and present these as a master-piece art like as made with pro camera. See more details...

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2019.04.12 - New absolutelly free Photoshop's plug-in for your toolbox.

AlphaPlugins LaplacianBlend

AlphaPlugins Laplacian Blend is a new simple free plug-in for Adobe Photoshop what lets obtain perfect results for mixing pictures contained so natural objects like hairs, grass, bushes, human faces and etc. The plug-in uses a laplacian pyramid for seamless mixing different parts of images with different blending values depending on picture detailes. And as result the mixed picture looks organic and a border between mixed pictures are invisible. See more details...

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2019.04.12 - New fantastical smart plug-in has been created.

The EngraverAI is a newly released Photoshop plug-in that utilizes artificial intelligence to make routine technical work easy for you. This product replicates pictures resulting in high-quality products comparable to handmade engraving art. The usage of artificial intelligence makes the creative process easier and more time efficient while maintaining overall quality. The EngraverAI is the next level for the AlphaPlugins series of tools for engraving and etching. This new, state-of-the-art product is user-friendly, and was made with customer satisfaction in mind. The EngraverAI is not intended to invalidate our other product, The EngraverIII, but rather complement it as the plug-ins work with one another.

EngraverAI sample

See more info about new amazing product the EngraverAI

The plug-in's manual with many beautiful illustrations.

The samples gallery for the new plug-in.

A basic tutorial how to work with the EngraverAI plug-in.

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2018.12.27 - High-definition displays are supported.

Now new windows versions of all our plug-ins support modern HD displays and extremally huge screen resolutions.

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2018.06.13 - New power and smart installers.

Now our Photohsop plug-ins have power and smart installers which make process of plug-in installation easier. Both Mac and Win versions of installers are available.
Filter pluginsAdobe After Effects CS3 Filters
Windows Installer
Photoshop CS plug-insPremiere CS plug-ins
Filter pluginsAdobe After Effects CS3 Filters
Mac Installer
Photoshop CS plug-insPremiere CS plug-ins

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2018.05.25 - The CrazyFaceSwap iOS App.

iPad screenshot
CrazyFaceSwap iOS Application
The CrazyFaceSwap App exchanges faces on photo. It can replace not only human faces but also faces of pets like cats or dogs or even a toys and fantastically creatures. This smart app uses artificial intelligence and neural networks for detect and replace faces by the best possible way. See more details about The CrazyFaceSwap iOS App...

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2018.01.10 - The AlphaBlur iOS App.

Filter pluginsAdobe After Effects CS3 Filters
AlphaBlur App
Photoshop CS plug-insPremiere CS plug-ins

AlphaBlur App uses a neural network and artificial intelligence for smart automatic splitting background and foreground objects on your photos and apply different amazing special effects on background. See more details about The AlphaBlur iOS App...

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2017.07.21 - The Engraver iOS App.

the Engraver iOS Appthe Engraver iOS Appthe Engraver iOS App

Now the AlphaPlugin EngraverIII is available as the iOS app. It puts the power of EngraverIII engine right on your phone. You'll be enchanted by the incredible simplicity that lets you create amazing, stylish art in high quality. You'll be enchanted by the incredible simplicity that lets you create amazing, stylish art in high quality.See more details about The Engraver iOS App...

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2017.06.05 - AlphaPlugins TurbulenceDistortion plug-in.

AlphaPlugins TurbulenceDistortion

AlphaPlugins TurbulenceDistortion is a new photoshop filter what should be in a toolbox of each professional designer. It is a base fundamental effect for creation a lot of naturalistic fenomenas. And now you have a convenient and luxory tool for add turbulence distortion effect into your compositions. See more details about AlphaPlugins TurbulenceDistortion plug-in...

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2017.05.19 - AlphaPlugins IcePattern 64bit for Photoshop CreativeCloud.

AlphaPlugins IcePattern

New version of our unique plug-in AlphaPlugins IcePattern has been released. As many our users request, new release can work with latest 64bit Photoshop CreativeCloud versions. Plus many helpful improvements were made such us resizable modern user interface and supporting of a drawing ice patterns along photoshop's vector paths.See more about AlphaPlugins IcePattern plug-in...

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2017.04.12 - AlphaPlugins FireFor has been released.

AlphaPlugins Fire4

The 4th version of our famous and popular Fire plug-in is released. That lets to work with realistic and impressive fire and smoke phenomena in Photoshop composition. And easily to burn any objects, path, selection mask or text subscribes.

This fourth version of our Fire filter reflects 20 years of experience and knowledge creating Photoshop plug-ins. Interactive design technologies and user demands have advanced significantly since the first version’s release in 1998. This latest version of FireFor was developed to meet those demands with a convenient, easy to use, updated filter.See more about AlphaPlugins FireFor plug-in...

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2016.12.19 - Our AfterEffects plugins have returned

AfterEffects CreativeCloud

It is not a secret what lats time I didnt devote attention to my AfterEffect plug-ins and concentrate all efforts on Adope Photoshop's effects. During this time AfterEffects became 64bit and our AfterEffects' plug-ins became dated. I even thought drop this direction in favor of Photoshop plug-ins direction.

But I receive many user's request about AfterEffects plug-ins and wishes to have these worked with newest versions of AfterEffects.

And so, in end of ends I could find time and adopted several old and good tested AfterEffect plug-ins to working with modern 64bit versions of AfterEffects and all modern hosts which support its plug-ins format.

Now the follow AfterEffects CreativeCloud plug-ins are available:

AlphaStarAlphaPlugins AlphaStar – a bundle of effects for create beautiful lighting effects like sparkles, flashes, rays, blinks, highlights and etc.
CurtainsAlphaPlugins Curtains – set of several plug-ins for work with dynamical waved 3D cloths and tissues.
FirTreeAlphaPlugins FirTree – a cute FREE plug-in to create animated fir tree brunches. It can be used to decorate amazing winter Xmas video.
OrnamentAlphaPlugins Ornament – a simple FREE effect to create 3D Christmas tree decoration.
IcePattern for AfterEffectsAlphaPlugins IcePattern – This plug-in lets to create different effects with frozen ice patterns.

If new-old plugins will be popular then I adopt and other my AfterEffects filters to and make many new.

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2016.09.12 - A powerful Free iOS audio player

alphaSXplayer logo

I'm glad to present a first my iOS product – alphaSXplayer - the rich featured audio player/recorder with many build-in special sound effects. I'm sure what all our users who many years know AlphaPlugins software also can like the new our iOS application.

The alphaSXplayer is a FREE, powerful iOS application for recording and playing audio, adding sound effects and adjusting playback options. Compared to iOS players that use standard high-level API, the alphaSXplayer is built on low-level iOS components to make use of even more sound effects and features. This incredible range of playback manipulations and sound effects means limitless possibilities and a lot of fun:

  • Variable playback rate: Change the audio playback speed without affecting sound quality.
  • Custom pitch: Change the music and voice timbre from high to low pitch (think squirrel or Darth Vader).
  • Toggle between standard A 440Hz pitch tuning or the more harmonious A 432Hz that lets you hear music (especial classical) as it was imagined by composer. Set the tuning to A 432Hz lets you experiment with the musical timbre considered most favorable for human souls and good health!
  • Ten bands equalizer with a variety of presets (classical, pop, rock, jazz, etc.).
  • Built-in sound effects: reverberation, distortion, time delay, echo and more, with plenty of presets and adjusted parameters.
  • Preamplifier increases sound volume beyond the original setting.
  • Build-in voice recorder uses the microphone on your device and stores audio as MP4 files in a subfolder for playback and adding special effects.
  • Realistic analogue meters indicate playback and voice recorder level.
  • and many many other plus
alphaSXplayer site
Please, visit the the size of alphaSXplayer for more info.

get in AppStore
Or get it FREE in the App Store

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2016.08.01 - Photoshop CC2015.5 support
Now our plug-ins have been adopted to correct work with new version of Adobe Photoshop CC2015.5. Adobe has changed the plug-ins folder and now they recommend to install plug-ins into a common Creative Cloud plug-ins folder. Then, all plug-ins installed into common folder should be available for all versions of Photoshop CC. Include future. And now it will be not needed to reinstall all plug-ins if you reinstall Photoshop.

See new installers for our populare products:
AlphaPlugins EngraverIII
AlphaPlugins DigitalizerII
AlphaPlugins DigitalChaos
AlphaPlugins RichText
AlphaPlugins LaunchBox

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2015.09.11 - Two new plug-ins!
Today is a great day premiere! We are happy to present two newest simple but power and quolitative plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop:
AlphaPlugins DigitalChaos and AlphaPlugins RichTyping!

AlphaPlugins RichText plug-in
AlphaPlugins RichText:
This filter lets add multi-line text to Photoshop's compositions and apply different textual effects. If a Photoshop composition has a selection then formatted text will be accuratelly filled inside this selected area. Use a build-in editor to create a formatted text or copy text from i.e MSWord or load it from a RTF file.
See more about AlphaPlugins RichTyping...
AlphaPlugins DigitalChaos plug-in
AlphaPlugins DigitalChaos:
The plug-in for Adobe Photoshop and compatibles. It allows to create randomly patterns consisted from symbols, digits, hieroglyphs and etc. This plug-in has a magic button "Auto" what lets generate amazing abstract symbols patterns by one click.

See more about AlphaPlugins DigitalChaos...

Dont miss our SPECIAL OFFER and a possibility to buy three textual plug-ins by a price of two and save 25 usd!
You have a change to buy the bundle of our plug-ins DigitalChaos + RichText + DigitalizerII with a good discount.
If you already bought the DigitalizerII plug-in in past and if you now want to use this special offer then you can purchase any from two new plug-ins (RichText or DigitalChaos) and get another as a GIFT!
Photoshop CS4 FiltersAfter Effects CS3 Filters
Adobe Photoshop FiltersPhotoshop Plug-ins
Latest News

2025.02.15 - Now AlphaPlugins HDR Enhanced is presented as OpenFX plugin for Resolve DaVinci

See details See details

2024.09.15 - New fabulous plugin for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro AlphaPlugins HDR Enhanced

See details See details

2023.04.05 - All our plug-ins are adopted to work with Serif Affinity Photo 2 editor

See details See details

2022.06.28 - the Engraver App was added to the top list of the world best photo sketch apps
See details See details

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Adobe Photoshop FiltersPhotoshop Plug-ins

AlphaStar sample
AlphaStar Gallery

IcePattern sample
IcePattern Gallery

Water sample
Water Gallery

Photoshop CS plug-insPremiere CS plug-ins